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#89: 7 Pro Tips for Better Client Coaching Sessions


When I first started working with clients, I was always nervous about how to run my coaching sessions. My nutrition school gave me some basic outlines for my coaching sessions, but I didn’t really know how to go deeper. And if my clients just ignored my advice? Forget it! I had no idea what to do. 

A few years later, I got training in NLP, or neuro linguistic programming, which is a methodology that focuses on asking the right questions to help your clients get better results. It made a huge difference in my coaching practice! And I became a MUCH better coach.

I hear from a lot of health and wellness practitioners that they want more support when it comes to running their coaching sessions, and I want to help! That’s why I’m sharing my top 7 pro tips for better client coaching sessions in this episode.

Uplevel your coaching skills with my brand new Essential Coaching Questions Kit here.

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