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#93: Leveraging Social Proof to Attract New Clients


This episode is all about social proof, and how and why you should use it in your coaching business. Social proof is all about building that know, like and trust factor with potential clients, and can make a huge difference in whether potential clients actually sign up to work with...

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#88: Three Powerful Questions to Help Your Clients Get Better Results


As a new health coach, I struggled with figuring out how to structure my coaching sessions so I could get my clients great results. I had session outlines from my nutrition school, but I didn’t really know how to connect with my clients to help them get past their blocks. 


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#85: How a Keystone Coaching Program Can Help You Find More Clients


Have you ever looked at a stone bridge and wondered how they stay up? The answer is a keystone - the center stone that holds up all the others. 

In my health coaching practice, I also had a keystone program that essentially held up the rest of my business. This program brought in...

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#84: Four Tricks For Getting More Done When Working From Home


How many times have you promised yourself that you’d get a lot done working from home - only to find yourself knee deep in cleaning out your closet a few hours later? Or washing dishes? Or folding laundry? Or any number of other activities that’s anything but doing the work...

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#83: Three Things Successful Health Coaches Do Differently


Back when I was health coaching, I would sometimes look at other coaches and wellness professionals who were way more successful and wonder: what does she know that I don’t?

If you’ve ever had that feeling, I can relate! It’s so frustrating to feel like you’re...

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#82: Client Case Study: How Patti Successfully Launched Her Detox While Working a Full-Time Job


In this podcast episode, I get to interview one of my amazing Detox Done clients, Patti. 

Patti recently purchased Detox Done and has already launched her detox not once but TWICE to great success. When she shared that in our members community, I knew I needed to talk with her to...

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#81: Three Things You Need to Do When You First Start Your Health Coaching Business


I remember feeling so overwhelmed when I first started my health coaching business - there was so much to do to get my business up and running, but it was impossible to know what was most important! 

It turned out that I was wasting a lot of time on the wrong activities, which is...

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#80: Client Success Story: How Tina-Marie Earned $11K Using Detox Done


Detox Done is my signature program to help health coaches launch their very first detox program. In this episode, I interview one of my superstar clients, Tina-Marie de Lamerens, about her move from teaching to health coaching, and how she earned nearly $11K with just two Detox Done...

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#78: Seven Ideas You Can Use for VIP Days for Your Clients


At the beginning of my coaching career, I spent a lot of time thinking about the types of programs I wanted to offer my clients. I had a short whole foods based detox, one-on-one coaching, but I felt like I needed something more. I kept hearing about “VIP Days,” but I...

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#76: Five Tips for Writing Emails that Get Read


Are you struggling with sending engaging newsletters on a regular basis? You’re not the only one! Join me for this episode on how you can supercharge your newsletters and write messages that inspire your audience to take action. 

Learn the secrets of audience connection,...

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