At the beginning of my coaching career, I spent a lot of time thinking about the types of programs I wanted to offer my clients. I had a short whole foods based detox, one-on-one coaching, but I felt like I needed something more. I kept hearing about “VIP Days,” but I wasn’t 100% sure how to add them to my business.
That’s when I created my VIP Kitchen Clean-out program. With this program, I was able to walk my clients through a half-day of cleaning out their kitchens, upgrading their ingredients, and teaching them how to cook so they could stay on track with their health goals.
I know that Kitchen Clean-outs might not work for everyone, which is why I’m sharing this episode with 7 ideas you can use for VIP Days for your clients. VIP Days are a great way to support your clients with a specific challenge, and an additional income stream for your business!
Take a listen to today’s episode and see if any of the ideas I’m sharing are an option for you and your business.
If you’re curious about adding a Kitchen Clean-Out to your coaching business, join me for a free workshop on Wednesday, March 13th to learn more. Register here.
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