Fourteen years ago, I took a huge leap of faith by quitting my corporate job and enrolling in nutrition school. In a matter of 6 months, I pivoted from being a fundraising professional at a national nonprofit to running my own health coaching practice. It took a lot of work and...
Almost every health coach I’ve talked with over the years shares the same problem: they’re looking for more clients! Finding clients doesn’t have to be hard, and there’s definitely a fast way and a slow way to get them.
In this episode, I’m sharing...
Have you ever had that feeling like you’re doing a lot in your business, but not really getting anywhere? Kinda like how a hamster can run and run on their wheel, but they stay in the same place?
This is a feeling that a LOT of business owners tell me they have, whether they are...
How many times have you found yourself working on your health coaching business, only to feel like it’s all uphill and you aren’t getting anywhere?
Trust me, my friend, I have 100% been there. Trying to figure out how to find clients, and what to talk about in...
At least once a week, someone messages me asking how they should structure their coaching sessions. And I get it - when we’re first starting out, it really feels like we should be creating detailed outlines for each upcoming coaching session so we know what to say, and when to...
As business owners, hard conversations are part of our job description. At some point, you’ll find yourself having tough talks about your business with family members, friends, team members, and even clients. It’s not a matter of IF this will happen, but WHEN. And...
If I asked you to tell me how your business financials are, how would you answer? Would you be able to tell me your monthly income and expenses, or does that thought of managing your money make you want to run and hide under the covers?
If there’s anything I’ve learned in...
List growth is a huge challenge for a lot of the health coaches I meet. So many coaches aren’t sure how to market themselves without sounding sleazy, so they stop themselves before they even get started.
That’s why I recorded today’s podcast episode - to share...
How many times have you been told that you have to have a list, only to wonder how you’re supposed to get that list?
Email lists are a really important tool in our coaching businesses - without them, it’s really hard to tell people about the work we are doing! But, it...
Twelve years ago, I landed in New York City, about to start health coaching school. Back then, classes were in person, and I was so excited about the next chapter of my life. I was also more than a little nervous.
If I had a time machine, I would love the chance to go back...
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